Here, in no particular order, is my shit list. It is not complete because its inexaustable. How does your shit list compare with the following:- The What Right wingery (my slang) Witch Hunters down the centuries Poverty Ignorance Greed The Conservative Party Guns Warmongers The Republican Party Humourlessness Christian Fundamentalism Any Fundamentalism Manchester United Football ...
Seeing as I am all of a sudden reconciled to the theory that Dubya means well, I 'm considering e-mail him the following advice :- 1 Acquire pots and pots of legally obtained funds and outspend God if you have to. 2 Stop condescending to Johnny Foreigner 3 Seek no audience with the Pope 4 Stop walking like a chimpanzee. BR>5 Lie about the economy 6 Lie about everything else 7 Don't get caught 8 Sack the psychopathic Veep, Demon Dick Cheney 9 Sack Rummy 10 Sack Sanchez11 Stop t...