international politics, news and any damn thing at all
Beware the VP from hell
Published on June 15, 2004 By noragchick In Republican
There follows a message for the American people:-

The creep who is the veep belongs in a home for the crimninally insane (Whitehouse doesn't count). He is a monster of the cosmos. He is an embarassment to humanity and it shows from the minute you set eyes on the degenerate, avaricious hate-spewer. I could lose the will to live just sharing a species with the miserable, no-account, double-talking psychopath's psychopath. It is a scandal that he should be permitted willy nilly to waste our oxygen and our air-time and our space. Send this diabloical devil-worshiping shit-eating government-thug rat goon back to whatever god-awful, people-hating, money-grubbing pit of iniquitous inferno he came from.. He's making me believe in the anti-Christ for crying out loud and I don't like it one bit. He's making me believe that those death-wishing, numb-nuts "End Days" merchants are right after all in peddling their seemingly silly-arsed theories of a a coming world-wide conflagration and a to-the-death wrestle between the forces of good and evil right here on earth followed by the Rapture or whatever other wish-fulfilment notion they have in mind. I mean to say, maybe Armageddon's coming after all. Maybe thats why Bush II believes in all that. If Cheney were your running mate, maybe you'd feel the same way, dangerous though that position might be. Maybe you wouldn't be able to help yourself.

.....And if the Armageddon theory is the only credible way to explain how it came to pass that the world's second largest elective democracy manages to perpetually overlook the fact that a man who is nothing short of evil incarnate should come to be a heartbeat away from the presidency of the world's only superpower. Its bad enough that evil incarnate is the most influential Veep in all history and is still virtually the power behind the Dubya puppet throne. Goddamn you all, this is a man whose smile doesn't even come close to reaching his eyes. This is a man that makes Spiro Agnew look like a paragon of virtue. This is a no-holds-barred, in-your-face monstosity of a human being who looks what he is and doesn't much care who knows it. This is a lizard-like individual with no redeeming features whatsoever and he is being allowed to skulk around the administration like he's three parts sane or something, and all the while he's practising his black arts and spreading his fear and loathing and all this goes more or less unchecked by the less active (Dubya, you know who you are, God damn you) elements of the Bush Administration. Its goes unchecked by the electorate, too, which is the really dangerous part.

Wake-up call, anyone??? Cheney may look like a putty-dough features sex change refugee from baldandblandsville, USA, but people who look like plasticine can be evil too and the wretched Cheney is one deranged evil bastard of a Veep if ever I saw one. Think of your children. Whatever you do, don't vote on this gravity-defying, morally vacuous tosspot bastard from hell ticket. Not again. Not ever.

I recommend you all read "Plan of Attack" so you can see him in all all his deeranged, melevolent, breath-taking venality.

Gaddamn you all.

on Jun 15, 2004
as ive occasionally conceded, bush isnt quite as dumb as he looks or acts. considering nearly 10% of sitting (or standing for that matter) presidents have been assassinated, cheney is great insurance
on Jun 15, 2004
You have a point my friend
on Jun 15, 2004
America is a Constitutional Republic... not a democracy...
on Jun 15, 2004
yes bush may appear stupid...with all the stuttering and mispronounciations and *yes* that dumb Texas accent, but he is apart of the International Conspiracy. so is cheney. and john kerry is their puppet.